Winners Announced!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013
I can't begin to thank you all for the support from my 1st Blogiversary giveaway!! There was an enormous amount of people who entered and I'm so humbled! I loved reading all of your comments and as a THANK YOU even if you didn't win, I would like to offer an opportunity for a prize. A buy 2 get 1 FREE prize! If you purchase 2 items from my store between now and July 28th (Sunday), email me your TpT username and which product (of equal or lesser value) you would like for free and I'll send it to you!

Okay, now for the winners! For the first giveaway with the winner's choice items from my store and the pencil sharpener, the winner is Denise!

For the second giveaway involving all of those amazing teachers' products, the winner is Kristen B.

Check your emails ladies!! Again, thank you all so much and I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the summer and has a fabulous school year! Good luck!

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Monday Made It - Tissue Paper Flowers!

Monday, July 22, 2013
Ever since I saw these tissue paper flowers on Pinterest last year, I've been wanting to make them! I found a tutorial via Pinterest over at Schoolgirl Style, but I was thinking it would cost a ton (okay maybe not a ton, but more than I was willing to spend on something like this) so I kept putting it off. Then I saw Mrs. Banister's post on Instagram and I asked her about them and realized it really wouldn't take too much! I was so excited because they are too cute, colorful, and exactly the type of fun I was looking to add to my classroom decor this year! Here's a quick tutorial if you are interested in making some for yourself! :)

1. I went to our local Dollar General and got 6 packs of tissue paper for $1 each in the bright colors that match my classroom. Each pack had 8 sheets of tissue paper that are 20" x 20". 
 2. To make smaller flowers, I took all 8 sheets of one color out and cut them into fourths. Then I took about 12 of those square sheets for the first flower (the more you use, the fuller it will be and vice versa). 
 3. Then you begin folding the sheets together accordion style. The folds were about 1 - 1.5 inches wide.  
 4. Tie the middle of the folded tissue paper with string, wire, or ribbon. I had some ribbon on hand, so I used that. Don't tie it too tight! It should be somewhat loose where it doesn't wrinkle the tissue paper by the tie.  
 5. Depending on what you want your flower to look like, the next step is to cut the ends. The pink one, I did pointed petals. On the purple one, you see I curved the petals. 

 6. When you are done cutting the edges, fan out both ends of the tissue paper.
 7. Start pulling one layer of the tissue paper up at a time. Be careful and take your time so you don't rip the paper. 
 8. Keep doing this until voila! You have a beautiful fluffly flower! :) 
The purple and green flowers that you see are made out of 12 full sheets (20x20) of tissue paper. The pink and yellow are a quarter of that size which are still a little bigger than my hand. 
Perfect for hanging from the ceiling. I still have a few more to make and I'm also thinking about making some to hang on bulletin boards like you will see in the Schoolgirl Style's tutorial. Very cute! Now go check out the other Monday Made Its over at 4th Grade Frolics!

Then be sure you enter my one year blogiversary giveaway because it ends on Wednesday!! There are two amazing giveaways that you won't want to miss, so be sure to click the picture below and get your entries in! :)

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1 Year Blogiversary GIVEAWAYS!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Wednesday, July 17th is finally here!!! I'm so excited to share these two giveaways with all of you! It has been one year since I decided to start this little blog. When I first started, I thought it would be a nice way for me to reflect on my first year of teaching, it'd be a way to keep everyone up to date with how my first year is going, and maybe I'll get a few readers along the way! I never imagined I would become a part of such an awesome community of teachers! I have "met" so many amazing teachers through this experience and I'm so thankful I decided to take that step a year ago. I still don't feel like I've done this blog complete justice, but I really hope to do better this year by sharing more about day to day things in my classroom. With all that being said, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all your comments, support and encouragement! You have no idea how happy it makes me feel to hear from you! :)

Button Credits: Scrappin Doodles, Sonya DeHart, Regina Berns, & KG fonts.

Alright, let's get to the first giveaway! I am giving away THREE Winner's Choice items from my store along with a FREE pencil sharpener. You can read my review of this amazing pencil sharpener here if you haven't heard about it already! :)

I know I keep saying how "excited" I am, but I am SO EXCITED to share this next giveaway with you! I wish I could win because there are 12 amazing teachers/bloggers who have so graciously donated to my giveaway and that's on top of my two winner's choice items from my store. Each one of these teachers has inspired me and continues to do so to help me become a better teacher. I could go on and on, but I'll let you take a peek for yourself and I guarantee you will agree with me! ;)

Each picture will take you to their store so you can see what your prize would be if you win! The more entries you fill out on the Rafflecopter below, the higher your chances are, so get to entering!!! GOOD LUCK! :)

The giveaways will end on the 24th so you have 1 week to get your entries in! As an added thanks to all, my entire TpT store will be on sale until the 20th! :)

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Monday Made It - Clipboards, Word Walls, & More!

Monday, July 15, 2013
I'm back again for Monday Made It with 4th Grade Frolics! It felt great to get a little crafty this morning, I'm not gonna lie!! My husband might be in trouble because I enjoyed it that much! :)

Today I chose to make beautified clipboards!! I received an adorable one as a gift when I graduated college, but I've never made one myself. In fact, I've never even used Mod Podge!! How crazy is that?! It was so much fun!!

We went to Hobby Lobby and picked out the scrapbook paper I wanted to use, the mod podge, and paint brushes. The clipboards were from Wal-Mart in the BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLIES!! What?! How is it already time for back to school stuff?! Anyway...

Then I measured, traced and cut out the design for the first clipboard... 

...and the second clipboard.

Then I started applying the mod podge onto the clipboard before placing the sheets of scrapbook paper on top. 

 After placing the papers on just right, it was time to start covering the top with mod podge. 

 They dried and as you can see I decided to switch out that sparkly B with something different. I just didn't quite like it when it dried, so I tried doing a design with markers over top of the B which ultimately made it worse. Then I thought I would just add a sparkly badge instead! It looks much better!! 

 This one is definitely my favorite!! I love the colors, the design, and the Mrs. Berns at the bottom!! 

I didn't want to add any ribbon to the top because I'm thinking I will let the kids use these during write the room activities and such, so they might be too much of a distraction. We shall see. I imagine the kids will be very excited when they get to use the colorful clipboards! :)

Next on the list for Monday Made It are my word wall designs. I shared my word wall letters on a previous Monday Made It, but this time I have Dolch word wall words to share too! I'm looking forward to using these this year. I really think all the colors will help students differentiate between words because under each given letter of the alphabet, the words will all be in different colors (unless of course there are more than 5 words under the letter).

They come in chevron, striped, and dotty and the words included are all 220 Dolch words from pre-primer through 3rd grade. There is also an editable file included to add any words that are not pre-made, but still needed. Click on the pictures to take you to each product on TpT!


I have bundled all three designs with the word wall letters too!


I also finished a back to school product that I think my incoming kinders will love. Last year my kids loved all the "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed..." books and I bet this year will be no different. This pack is for "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books" and there are many fun and engaging activities for math and literacy. Download the preview to get a better idea of all that is included! Click on the picture to take you there! :)

One last thing before I leave you all. There are some great giveaways going on right now and another that will begin on WEDNESDAY!! Click on the pictures to take you there. You have a chance to win a winner's choice item from my store on both of the giveaways along with many other amazing prizes!

I've been giving clues the last few days about what will be happening on Wednesday and I can't hold it in anymore! Wednesday marks one year since I've started this blog and I'm hosting an amazing giveaway! I'm so stoked about all the amazing bloggers that are donating to my blogiversary giveaway. Trust me, you will want to come back on Wednesday to find out who they all are! :)

Have a super week and don't forget to share your Monday Made It's and come back on Wednesday!!

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(c) Regina Berns 2014. Blog design by me! Sonya DeHart papers. Powered by Blogger.


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