There is so much to be thankful for these days for sure! I know that with this being my first year of teaching, I have even more to be thankful for. I have an amazing staff and principal to work with, a wonderful support system, kids that make me laugh everyday (no matter how rough the day might be), days off like today, Thanksgiving break right around the corner, and oh so much more!!! :) I am also thankful for my friend, Jennifer Brown, for inspiring me to start my TPT store. For those of you who don't know about TPT stores, it is a website called teachers pay teachers. Teachers from all over create awesome things and share them on the website. Some things are free and others cost a small amount of money (usually). Why not try to sell some of the stuff you are making for your kids anyway? Right?!
Well, with this long 3-day weekend, I couldn't think about much else. I finally got started...purchased some different clip art packages to start jazzing up my creations. I love, love, love to make things on my computer that are cute and useful in my classroom. Now finding the time to really hit on the cute part is minimal, but somehow when I have a load of planning to do and a free weekend I manage to make the time....apparently! :) I still wish I had better programs to use, more "extra" money to spend on cute clip art, and of course extra time to spend creating, but what I have now will do...
The good news is, the things I created this weekend I get to use this week in my classroom! Sooo....technically I have been productive, but maybe not in the most effective way!
If you are interested, I would LOVE for you to check out my TPT store, take a look around at the few items I have posted, share with a teacher you know, and by all means download or pin something if you like it!! Since I'm just getting started, I can use all the help I can get! In advance, THANK YOU for helping out this teacher! I appreciate it more than you know!!
A little picture preview of two items I created today:
Please leave any comments or suggestions below. THANKS for stopping by and have a super week...the countdown to Thanksgiving is on!
- Mrs. Berns
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