It's been a while since I've linked up, but here I am on one of the shortest teaching weeks of the year! We only had kids three days due to parent/teacher conferences, but we did so much fun stuff! Time to share...
We started off on Monday expanding on our Five Senses unit. We did some blind taste testing in the morning, and then in the afternoon we did a lesson on labeling. The kids thought this was HILARIOUS!!!! They had so much fun. Not sure who had this original idea, but I've seen it on many blogs and it's genius!
We did the labeling activity to lead into labeling our five senses. I went ahead and added this to my 5 Senses Writing Booklet on TpT. One for the boys...
and one for the girls!
In math, we finished up our unit about shapes by completing this 2D Shape Booklet - Cut/Paste activity. We cut out and pasted a real life example for each of the five shapes we learn in kindergarten.
Which leads me to link up with Kreative in Kinder for her "Kids say the funniest things!" This wasn't actually "said" but it was written and you've gotta love it! "A hexagon has sex sides and sex vertices."
Tuesday was pumpkin day. First, we recorded what we already knew about pumpkins in brown. Then we read Pumpkin Circle and recorded what we learned in green.
For math, we cut open a pie pumpkin and counted the seeds using our sorting mat.
Then we used our seeds in an art activity to show what the inside of a pumpkin looked like.
We got to read one of our favorite types of books, "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves!"
Then we filled out our own emergent reader of the story using our Old Lady word wall! They always take so much pride in their books. :)
The last day was about bats and unfortunately I didn't get many pictures, but we started the day off recording what we already knew about bats (in purple). I was shocked at how much they already knew to be honest! Smart cookies I tell ya!!! Then we read a nonfiction book about bats and recorded what we learned (in green).
For math we read "Five Little Bats Flying in the Night" and we made our own bats on sticks so we could act out the story and use them as our manipulatives to act out subtraction stories.
Then my teacher aide from K-State came and taught an art lesson where the students made bats out of paper plates. I'm so bummed I didn't take pictures of both of these because they were so much fun!! Maybe I'll have to add some examples later! :)
Anyway, for it being a "short week" we seemed to cram a lot in and have loads of fun. I should also add how all of my conferences went great and everyone showed up! Such a great feeling to have positive teacher-parent relationships and be able to be honest and know that they understand exactly where I'm coming from!
As far as my day off today, I was definitely ready to rest up! By the way....I met a personal milestone on TpT, so I wanted to do some sort of giveaway. I may have something in the works, so stay tuned! Have a fantastic weekend!!!!
Haha! LOVE! :) Thanks for linking up.