Alright, I know I said I would be back yesterday to post about our week, but I PROMISE I have an excellent reason as to why this didn't happen! Read on for my Five for Friday...rrr Saturday list! It has been an exciting week to say the least! :)
1. I guess I should start by explaining the late post, huh?! My sister had her baby girl, Lakin Elizabeth, yesterday morning and we got to go visit her last night right after school. It was a 2.5 hour drive there and we drove home after spending some time meeting our new little niece, so we didn't get home til late! That's a pretty acceptable reason right?! She is so adorable! I love her and miss her already!
2. Second on the list for exciting personal things that happened this week is that we signed a contract on a new house!! We are super excited, but very anxious and hopeful that the people interested in our house will put an offer in soon! It will be a busy and fun summer of moving and making a new house a home!! Eeeek, too excited! :)
3. Alright, now on to the excitement in kindergarten this week. We came back from the weekend and our grass heads had grown!!! The kids were so pumped and they go straight to the grass heads each morning now to check on them! I'm so glad that I didn't mess up our first time at making these! Success!
4. For May Day, we made a simple little flower for the kids to take home and give away. It was a pretty last minute decision because quite frankly, I forgot about May Day! It snuck up on me! I must say though, the kids enjoyed it and they were so excited to bring home a flower! They were cracking me up as I was modeling how to make them because when I showed them something "cool" they would applaud! Too funny!
5. Finally, we'v been working on subtraction and addition word problems in class. It was also the end of our farming unit, so I had the kids pair up and make up farming word problems for their partner. One partner used the manipulatives to tell the word problem and the other partner had a dry erase board and marker to write the equation and solve the word problem. They did a super job and it was fun practice!
5.5 I've also got to add in about my new blog! I was very nervous about switching over to a new blog or changing the url of Kinder Krazy, but I am very happy with the decision. I have a lot of work ahead of me this summer to switch all of the urls in my products, but in the end it will all be worth it! Thank you so much for your support and continued reading of this little blog of mine! It means the world!
Alright, there you have it! My late post, but can you forgive me now?! ;) I hope you all have a super weekend and finish strong the rest of the school year! 3 weeks left for me! WOW!
Awe congrats on your new niece and your new house!! You've definitely had a busy week!!
Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten
Congratulations on your new niece! Yay for a new house to make a home this summer and for finding a buyer for yours. Did you get the home in the country you were wanting? What a wonderful week for you both! :)
Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road