Currently in May...

Thursday, May 2, 2013
It's the beginning of a new month and the beginning of a new blog name, URL, and design! Goodbye to Kinder Krazy and welcome to Keepin' It Krazy with Mrs. Berns!!! I'm really excited about it even though I'm a wee bit nervous too! This was a project I originally wanted to wait for the summer to do, but I am very bad a waiting...obviously! :) So, what do you think about the new look! If you wouldn't mind helping me spread the word about the new name, I would greatly appreciate it!

I just finished listening to American Idol on my TV in the background. Man, there are some talented ladies on this season! I liked them all! I had to catch up on all of my Wednesday shows tonight because we had a very busy evening last night (keep reading!).

I am seriously loving my new blog name and design!! I created the design on my own and I love how it turned out! It was so much fun to do....well except for a few moans and groans trying to get things to work just right! :) I think everything is set up and ready now though! YAY!

I attended a boot camp this Tuesday that is held at my school in the evenings on Tuesdays and Thursdays and boy oh boy am I getting more sore each day! Ouch! It was a killer of a workout and I'm glad I went, but I hate this part!

I am really wanting to sell our house because last night we signed our lives away on a new house!! I'm so excited about that part, but we are crossing our fingers and praying that our house will sell soon! We have many people looking at it and interested in it, but some of them have to sell before they can buy. I know it will all work out, but we hope it will be sooner rather than later for loan purposes....and our sanity! :-P

I'm desperately needing mother nature to make up it's mind!! I cannot recall a spring like the one we've had this year in Kansas. We'll have an 80 degree day and then the next day it's MAY!!! I'm anxiously awaiting the day when the weather will remain constant...constantly warm that is!

Finally, my summer bucket list will be to move into our new house! I can't wait to decorate and make it our home! It will be so much fun! I'm not looking forward to the packing part though. This will be my first BIG move because all my other moves just involved my little things, but now we have all of our big and little things! :) Fun, fun! The next thing will be to convince my husband to take a trip this summer. I'm sure it's going to be a tough job this summer with all of the house stuff, but that doesn't mean I won't try! ;)

Well, I should be back tomorrow to blog about our week. We have a professional development day tomorrow and then just 3 weeks left until the last day of school. Wow! Where has the year gone?!

Go link up with Farley and join all of the fun! :)

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  1. I love your new blog name/design! Super cute!
    Polka Dot Kinders

  2. I think your new design is fabulous!

  3. Your blog design looks great! I'm your newest follower...found you through the Currently linky party. I'm loving all the girls on AI too...Kree and Candace are my favorites.

    Brenda & Whitney

  4. Looks like I'm not the only one who decided to do a blog makeover! Perhaps we should do a Grand Reopening Giveaway or something. Thanks for following my new blog!

    Amy @ The Littlest Superheroes

    1. I was thinking the same thing when I saw your post! Haha! Your new blog is so cute. Email me if you want to do a giveaway sometime. You are a no-reply blogger, so I can't email you back! :)


(c) Regina Berns 2014. Blog design by me! Sonya DeHart papers. Powered by Blogger.


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